Movement Program

Join our movement program where we focus on a specific topic monthly to help you move better

  • Quick weekly videos to explain the movement to practice

  • Explanation as to why the movement is important

  • Break down the movement further if you are having difficulty accomplishing it

  • Information to help you take the movement a step further

  • Community to ask questions about the movements

  • Designed for all levels

    These movements are designed for all levels and accommodations are made to help you where you are at

  • Balanced

    The movements are designed to hit all parts of the body, helping you to feel balanced and aligned.

  • Lasting changes

    The movements are a guide to help you notice how your body moves and areas you should focus on to help ease aches and pains

Monthly Movement Focus

These are the topics we will be covering each month to help you move better.

I'm ready to get started

Sign me up


Courtney McManus

Owner, Head Instructor

I have been a Personal Trainer since 2006 and work specifically with women and movement. My passion is to help you feel good about yourself while making small changes every day to help live a healthier, more movement and exercise rich life, while ensuring you don’t deal with aches and pains in the process. Certified: Personal Trainer since 2006 Corrective Exercise Specialist since 2013 Pilates for Neurological Conditions since 2017 Core Exercise Solutions Corrective Exercise since 2022