Connect to your Core
Helping you to connect to your core through Posture and Breathing -Self-paced program
Providing you tips and techniques to begin to connect to your core through Posture and Breathing to work the Deep Core Muscles
Core exercises without doing crunches
Exercises you can practice while living life
Start to fit back into your favorite jeans
Why breathing
How is your breathing?
360 breathing
Back breathing
One thing you must stop doing!
Side lying breathing
Skin rolling
90 90 breathing
Side lying back breathing
Breathing to help with bread loafing
Breathing on hands and knees
Ha breathing
Let's talk posture
Aligning our Feet
Foot Exercises to strengthen the feet
Stretching your Feet/Calf Stretch
Posture for the Knees
Check your Pelvis
What does it mean if I have an Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Mobility of the Pelvis
Ribs flare or grip?
Your torso
Do I have rounded shoulders?
Reset Rounded shoulders
Pilates Posture Workout
10 minute seated core
10 min core workout-Diastasis Recti Recovery
Quick Standing Core Work
Check to see if you have Diastasis Recti
Diastasis Recti Assessment